LESSON 5       JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR       1. For what purpose did Jesus Christ come into the world?   1 Timothy 1: 15; John. 1: 29       2. What is the meaning of JESUS?   Matthew 1: 21       3. What is one of the

LESSON 4   THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION   1.   As the result of the original sin of Adam, how many have been made sinners? Romans 3: 23; Romans 5: 12   2.   How did David express this universal condition of man? Psalms  51: 5   3.   Has there ever been anyone except the sinless Son

1.   With whom did sin originate? 1 John 3: 8   2.   How does the Bible speak of the fall of Satan? Revelation 12:7 – 9   3.   Who else was involved in this rebellion? Same scripture and Jude. 6; 2 Peter 2: 4   4.   What did Jesus say about the devil? John 8:

LESSON 2 CREATION THE ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS 1.When and by Whom were all things made? Genesis 1: 1; John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:1, 2   2. For what purpose was the earth made? Isaiah 45:18   3. What testimony besides the bible bears witness of the omnipotent Creator? Psalms 19:1-3.   4. How long a

The Bible

Sunday, 02 June 2013 by

Email: lake22d@aol.com ronaldlake77@aol.com Web: www.acog7.org.uk LESSON 1 THE BIBLE 1. Where do we derive the name Bible, and by whom was it given and when? Ans. The name Bible comes from the Greek meaning collection of  books. It was first given to the collection of books by Chrysostom in 500 A. D. 2. How many books

Year 2000 … Y2K

Friday, 31 May 2013 by

1. INTRODUCTION Most adults in the west have heard about the ‘millennium bug’ and the computer chaos that is expected to occur on the 1st January in the year 2000, also known as Y2K (Y=Year, 2K=2000). Absolute chaos is predicted. Though the vast majority of computers world-wide are not Y2K compliant, I somehow think that

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Who/What is The Antichrist?

Friday, 31 May 2013 by

Sermon Note:10/04 Readings: 2 Thess.2, Rev.13 or Daniel 7 INTRODUCTION Few students of Bible prophecy will deny that we live in the days just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. All around we see the signs of the Saviour’s return: wars, famines, disease epidemics, sexual vice, religious/ethnic persecution, global pollution, floods, droughts, escalating violence

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Time is Short!

Friday, 31 May 2013 by

The Bible is Yahweh’s Word. Dating back to the creation of the world it provides mankind with the only infallible record of history relevant to salvation. Here is a brief chronological record in A.M. (anno mundi) years; which means ‘the year of the world.’ Let the reader prayerfully consider the awesome conclusion to which this

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The Whore of Revelation

Friday, 31 May 2013 by

The Whore of Revelation INTRODUCTION There is a prophecy in the Bible which concerns every organisation on earth: be it religious, political, manufacturing or social. Here it is: Revelation 17: 1: And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will

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The Two Witnesses

Friday, 31 May 2013 by

Readings: Revelation 11:1-14, Zechariah 4. 1. Political Awareness The peoples of this world are becoming increasingly aware of political, legal and spiritual issues. Issues involving democracy, freedom of choice, human rights, legal rights, the power of the media, privacy etc. are now well discussed, even amongst the hitherto illiterate masses in the most backward nations.

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