1. What prophecy did John the Baptist utter regarding a future experience for all who believe in Jesus? Math 3:11


2. With what words did Jesus substantiate this prophecy?

Acts 1:5


3. Had the Holy Ghost been given to all believers prior to the day of Pentecost?



4. How many are eligible for this experience today?

Joel 2:28, 29


5. Had the Holy Spirit come while Jesus was here?

John 16:13, 14:26, 15:29


6. What command did Jesus give His disciples before He went away

Luke 24:49


7. How did Jesus further express the importance of this experience?

Acts 1:6 – 8


8. When were these prophecies fulfilled?

Acts 2:1 – 4, 16


9. Did this experience end with the Disciples?

Acts 2:38, 39




10. What did the apostles do that the Samaritan converts should receive the Holy Ghost?

Acts 8:14 – 17


11. Were these people really converted before this?

Acts 8:5 – 8, 12


12. Had they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at their conversation or when they were baptized in water?

Acts 8:15


13. Then what was done that they might receive the Holy Spirit?

Acts 8:17


14. What happened in Cornelius house while Peter was preaching?

Acts 10:44 – 46


15. What was the evidence that they had received the Holy Spirit?

Acts 8:46, Act 11:15, 17


16. When were these believers baptized in water?

Acts 10:47, 48


17. What question did the apostles ask the converts at Ephesus?

Acts 19:1, 2


18. What was their subsequent experience?

Acts 19:5, 6


19. In each case where the evidence is given, what was the evidence that the believers had received the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:4, 10:46, 19:6


20. What is the main purpose of this experience?

Acts 1:8, 4:29, 30


21. Is there any other prophecy regarding this experience?

Isa 28:11 – 13, Mark 16:17 – 19, 1 Cor 14:21


22. Is it important to receive this experience?

Eph 5:18, John 7:39


Note: From this study we see that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience after conversion, not always at the same time or instantly following conversion.  It is always accompanied with the evidence of speaking in tongues; establishes the Kingdom of God within the believers heart (John 14:17, 23, Eph 2:22 & Luke 17:21); and opens the way for Spiritual ministries in the Body of Christ. (1 Cor 12:4-15)