1.      What did Christ say regarding the establishment and continuity of the Church? (Matthew 16:18).


2.      Upon what foundation is the Church to be built? (Ephesians 2: 20).


3.      What place must Christ have in the building of the Church: (1 Peter 2: 6; Ephesians 1: 22; Colossians 1: 18).


4.      In referring to the Church Universal does the Bible single out any one denomination? (Ephesians 4: 1-4; Galatians 3: 26).


5.      What constitutes membership in the Church? (1 Corinthians 12: 13; 2 Corinthians 5: 17; Acts 2: 4).


6.      Is there a General Assembly and where is the record kept of membership? (Hebrews 12: 23).


7.      In this General Assembly or Church Universal with Headquarters in heaven, are there any organised groups on earth local and self-governing? (1 Corinthians 1: 2; Galatians 1: 2; Ephesians 1:1).




8.      What type of organisation did the early church have? (Acts 11: 19-26; 13: 1-4).

Note: Each local church was autonomous with full rights and privileges in every phase of church worship and administration.

9.      Is there any evidence of an earthly headquarters that ruled over all the local churches?

Ans. No.  Each church was self-governing.

10.    Were Apostles and Evangelists credentialed by a headquarters and then sent out? (Galatians 1: 15-19; Acts 13: 1-4).

11.    What was the custom of Paul and Barnabas in ordaining Elders? (Titus 1: 5; Acts 14: 21-27).

Note: The Elders were ordained in local churches not as a part of a general organisation but as overseers of local groups (Acts 20: 17-28).

12.    What precaution must those in authority take: (Mark 10: 42-44; 1 Peter 5: 1-4).

13.    In Paul’s letters to the various churches is there any hint of a general organisation with headquarters anywhere on earth? (1 Corinthians 1: 1-2; Galatians 1: 1-2).

14.    Did Paul’s support come from a “General Treasury?” (Phil 4: 11-16).

15.    In Revelation, the messages are sent to the seven churches in Asia (Revelation 1: 11, 20).  Was this letter originating in the earthly headquarters?

Ans.  No.  This is evidence that God recognised the sovereignty of each local church thus the Spirit of God disclosed the varied needs of each church.

16.    Although each local church is to be an independent unit in itself, what spirit should prevail between all the churches?

(John 13: 34-35; 1 Corinthians 12: 24-26; Acts 11: 29-0; Romans 15: 25-28; 1 Corinthians 16: 1-5; 2 Corinthians 9: 1-7).

Note: The manner of collection and distribution of offerings indicates each local assembly expedited its own financial business without a “general treasury”.

17.    What harm is there in a General Organisation and headquarters?

Ans. First and foremost, it is not scriptural and therefore it is not God’s plan for the church.  Also, it robs the local church of divine guidance and leadership by the Holy Spirit.  History speaks very forcibly of the danger and pitfalls of highly organised federated church denominations.  This was one of the first downward steps the church took in its long slide into apostasy.  It establishes a manmade system with edicts and jurisdictional decrees being enforced upon all members alike with no regard to local conditions or circumstances.  It sets men over others with dictatorial power.  It becomes a political system and often degenerates into a clique at the helm and disallows spiritual growth.  It hinders the leadership of the Spirit and has prevented men from accepting truth and thereby has led the church into bondage, both spiritually, mentally and oftentimes, physically.  In all, denominationalism has been one of the greatest curses that has come upon the Church and God’s call is o come out of her my people”.