Stewards in the Royal Household
Lesson 21 Stewards in the Royal Household The Oxford Dictionary definition of a steward is: A person employed to manage another’s property, especially a great house or estate. One whose job is to arrange for the supply of food to a college or club. A passenger’s attendant and waiter on a ship or aircraft. One
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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 20 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Introduction A spiritual phenomenon is currently sweeping the churches. It is demolishing doctrinal barriers between denominations and apparently uniting believers of all persuasions in an amazing fervour of religious excitement. Catholic priests, Protestant ministers, evangelical clergymen and lay-members from almost every denomination – who only a few
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The Everlasting Gospel
Lesson 19 The Everlasting Gospel The word Gospel means good news. In a world daily bombarded with bad news it is encouraging to know that there is some good news to be heard. This lesson is about the everlasting Good News.’ In Bible terminology it is called the Everlasting Gospel. According to Bible prophecy the
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The Family Circle
h3>Lesson 18 The Family Circle Introduction The disintegration of the family unit is, doubtless, one of the greatest tragedies of modern times; a spiritual catastrophe so devastating that it is causing concern to almost all the governments of the world. Disinterested and irresponsible parents, sullen and rebellious children, battered wives and babies, adultery, incest, fornication,
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Lesson 17 Spiritism Spiritism may be defined as being an experience in which a person knowingly or unknowingly worships, seeks information from, or becomes the medium or instrument of an evil spirit (evil angel). In the context of this lesson, spiritism encompasses activities such as: Sorcery: The supposed art of controlling events or effects etc,
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Lesson 16 Death Perhaps the saddest of all facts to face up to in this life is that sooner or later one’s physical and mental health will give way to decay, disease and death. This inescapable sequence comes to all of us irrespective of colour, class or creed. Decay, disease and death may also be
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Human Suffering
Lesson 15 Human Suffering “If there is a God in Heaven and if He is the ‘Almighty‘ and has a ‘compassionate heart,’ then why doesn’t He stop the suffering which is in the world today? Why doesn’t He use His limitless power to put an end to the sorrow that fills the hearts of so
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The Signs of Christ’s Return
Lesson 14 The Signs of Christ’s Return Before leaving this earth to return to his Father, Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) plainly stated that he would come back again. John 14:1-3 “… And If I go”, said he, “… I will come again.” When questioned by his disciples as to the ‘sign’ of
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The True Sabbath Day
Lesson 13 The True Sabbath Day The seventh day of the week, the day commonly known as Saturday, is the Sabbath day of YAHWEH the Almighty God of Israel. It was ordained of God as a day of physical rest for all mankind, and the obligation to observe it arises from Yahweh’s own example His
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Lesson 12 Obedience No one can read the Bible through without becoming strongly aware that JEHOVAH (YAHWEH) the Almighty God of Israel requires the human race to obey Him. Indeed, without obedience a person’s worship of the Creator is futile. Doubtless it is Christendom’s greatest error that so many Church leaders have somehow convinced themselves
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