Yahweh’s Feast Days

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

The Passover Service The Passover Service introduces us to the first of the annual memorials in the sacred calendar. It was first kept in ancient Egypt when after four hundred years of slavery the Almighty rescued His people Israel from the hand of Pharaoh. In that well known episode Yahweh “passed over” the houses of

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The Ten Commandments

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

1. Introduction Over three thousand years ago Jehovah the Creator of the mighty universe, personally descended on mount Sinai in the desert of Arabia and wrote with His own hand the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone. The event is recorded in Exodus chapters 19 and 20. The Ten Commandments are the Divine code of

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The Litmus Test

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

1. Introduction The Oxford dictionary defines ‘litmus’ as “a blue colouring-matter which can be turned red by acids and can be restored to blue by alkalis. Litmus paper, which contains litmus, is used to test whether a solution is acid or alkaline.” Testing for acidity is an important function in many trades, as any engineer,

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The Everlasting Covenant

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

Introduction A covenant is a legal agreement, a contract between two or more parties. The Everlasting Covenant is an agreement between YAHWEH the God of Israel and His followers. As its name implies, it is ‘everlasting.’ This contract will last for all time, age after age, for eternity! It is, therefore, of utmost importance to

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Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

Spiritism may be defined as being an experience in which a person knowingly or unknowingly worships, seeks information from, or becomes the medium or instrument of an evil spirit (evil angel). In the context of this lesson, spiritism encompasses activities such as: Sorcery: The supposed art of controlling events or effects etc, by the power

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Penal Laws in Scripture

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

1. Introduction In almost every country, crime is rising at an alarming rate and the authorities stand helpless in controlling it. Years ago reasons such as poverty, ignorance, bad housing and unemployment were put forward as the main causes for crime. But those arguments carry little weight these days. Modern criminals come from all classes

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Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

1. Introduction The marriage institution was ordained by Yahweh the Almighty God of Israel at the creation of the world. Though there was no civil ceremony as we know it, that first wedding in Eden was nevertheless as legal a contract as ever there was: because the Almighty himself officiated and the angel host were

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Introduction to Divine Law

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

Few people will doubt but that we live in a lawless and violent age; where moral standards, once held sacred, are being abandoned with impunity. Drug abuse, sex abuse, violence, murder and rape plague our cities. Most will agree that lawlessness is a growing problem. People are becoming ungovernable. The rising cost of crime, and

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Iniquity in the Church

Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

1. Introduction The Christian church is in grave danger and the majority of the faithful are unaware of the fact. With many of its leaders abandoning the fundamentals of the faith, a diminishing membership and a chronic shortage of funds, the once vibrant Christian church is now in serious danger. In ancient days the church

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Thursday, 30 May 2013 by

Introduction Homosexual behaviour is not new. It has been around for thousands of years: and virtually every society has had to come to terms with it. Is it bad? Is it good? Or is it just another way of expressing human affection? Should society ban homosexuality? Or should it be welcomed? Do governments have the

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